Menopause Symptoms: A Guide

Menopause symptoms can affect women and people who are experiencing this transitional period, and each may be affected differently. Our expert guide is here to answer the question “what are the symptoms of menopause?”, and how you can soothe them with the right vitamins and minerals.

Table of Contents:

  • 9 Common Menopause Symptoms to Know 
  • How Long Do Symptoms Last?
  • Soothe the Symptoms of Menopause with BetterYou

9 Common Menopause Symptoms to Know 

The menopause can affect each individual in different ways, but many women and those with periods will experience some symptoms as they reach menopause, and may look to menopause supplements to help soothe them. There are as many as 48 symptoms of the menopause, but the most common include:

1. Poor Sleep 

A common symptom of the menopause is difficulty sleeping. This is often caused by night sweats - meaning you’ll feel excessively hot at night, and thus causing discomfort. These night sweats can lead to tiredness and irritability during the day if you haven’t slept well. Sleep supplements can help you to get a restful night’s snooze, by providing the nutrients needed to help avoid the sleep deprivation caused by this common menopause symptom. 

2. Night Sweats

Night sweats are caused by the reduction in hormones experienced during this time. These hormone fluctuations can make your body more sensitive to slight temperature changes. Therefore, you may feel uncomfortably hot at night, and this can be a reason for your struggling to sleep. This can leave you feeling unrested, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on your mood. This is why sleep is important for many areas of your health, and so it is important that you get enough sleep to support your every day function.

3. Joint Stiffness

A lot of the symptoms of the menopause are caused by the reduction of estrogen which happens during this transitional period. Those experiencing this menopause symptom may look to strengthen their skeleton and joints with bone supplements. These can help to avoid these aches and pains which may appear. The fluctuations in estrogen during the menopause can lead to increased risk of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. These conditions affect your bones, and you may be more at risk during the menopause because your bone density declines as you age. 

4. Headaches

Another of the common menopause symptoms complained about are headaches. These are caused by fluctuations in hormones, resulting in headaches and migraines that may be worse than usual. Headaches can be a sign of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, as well as electrolyte imbalance

5. Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are a very common menopause symptom which affects around 75-80% of all women and those experiencing menopause. In this time, your temperature can change very quickly, going from cold to hot. This is because the decrease in estrogen levels causes other hormones, which affect your temperature, to be produced. This sensitivity to temperature is not just restricted to night time. 

6. Low Mood or Anxiety

A low mood during the menopause could be influenced by a lack of sleep. Whilst hormonal fluctuations can affect your mental health. Finding people to talk to during this time is important to help deal with these issues, and help you feel less alone during this time. 

7. Trouble Concentrating

Trouble concentrating is another of the common menopause symptoms experienced during this time. The changes happening within the body may be distracting. The difficulty focusing is often caused by low mood, anxiety and stress which are related to the effect of low oestrogen on the functioning of the brain. 

8. Reduced Libido

Another common sign of the menopause is reduced libido or sex drive, caused by the reduction in oestrogen. This can often lead to discomfort during sex, because the reduced hormones can cause reduced blood supply and lubrication in the vagina. Vitamin E benefits this menopause symptom because it regulates sex hormones, so this nutrient may be one you consider taking during this time. 

9. Vaginal Dryness

Oestrogen is central to the vagina’s lubrication, elasticity and thickness. When oestrogen levels decline, you may experience drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls. This is because the reduced hormones can reduce the blood supply and lubrication in the vagina, leading to discomfort during sex.

How Long Do Symptoms Last?

Menopause symptoms can last for as little as a few months, but could continue to affect you for many years. It is possible to develop some menopause symptoms, and then have those replaced by different ones. 

The transitional period itself usually lasts around 4 years, though it could be as long as 12, though this may only affect 1 in 10 going through the transition. 

Throughout your life, it is important to take women’s health supplements to support your body through the changes it goes through. This is especially important during menopause, in order to help soothe and provide relief from common symptoms. 

Though menopause commonly starts around ages 45 - 55, it is difficult to predict when menopause symptoms may start, and how badly you may be impacted. Once periods have ceased for over 12 months, then you are considered post-menopausal.

Soothe the Symptoms of Menopause with BetterYou

Menopause symptoms can be associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which may mean the symptoms are heightened. Increasing your intake of certain nutrients with pill-free supplements may help to soothe the side effects of the bodily changes taking place. 

The nutrients to supplement in order to ease your menopause symptoms include:

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K2
  • B Vitamins
  • Zinc
  • Calcium


Magnesium supplements can help to avoid the difficulty you may have sleeping during the menopause. This mineral regulates melatonin levels, which is what signals to your body it is time to go to sleep. Not only that, but magnesium is a natural relaxant, which can help support aches and pains that you may experience in your muscles as menopause symptoms. Enjoy a relaxing soak before bed with magnesium bath flakes or moisturize with magnesium creams to increase your levels with an easy, hassle-free application method. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is known for its role within bone support. It helps to absorb calcium, an essential nutrient needed for bone and teeth strength. During the menopause, bone turnover occurs, which can decrease bone density. Increasing your intake with vitamin D supplements can help to encourage strong bones, as well as provide immunity and mood support during your menopause symptoms. 

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K is a nutrient which plays a role both with blood vessel support, and helping to move calcium into your bones. During the menopause, it may be recommended that you increase your intake with vitamin K supplements. Increasing your intake can encourage strong bones during this time of increased osteoporosis risk. 

B Vitamins

Vitamin B12 and B6 are essential vitamins that are especially important during this time, and could help to soothe your menopause symptoms. This is because these types of vitamins contribute to your energy levels and keep you in a good mood. As we age, our body is less effective at breaking down B12 and absorbing it. 

Your menopause symptoms could be soothed with B6, as it contributes to the production of serotonin via the breakdown of 5-HTP, and the production of dopamine via the conversion of L-DOPA. Both of these “feel good hormones” help to boost your mood, so increasing your levels of both B6 and B12 with vitamin B supplements could help you take control of your menopause symptoms.  


Zinc is a type of mineral which can be effective at soothing menopause symptoms, due to its role regulating hormone stress response. Without zinc to help regulate them, certain hormone levels could get too high or low. For example, if cortisol levels become too high or low, affecting oestrogen production, then this could trigger early symptoms of menopause. Zinc supplements can help to support your body through hormone regulation, and seek to soothe the symptoms of menopause you may be experiencing. 


This mineral is key during this time, as magnesium and calcium are good for bone health. Calcium can help to slow the decline in bone density that begins once we reach 35 years old. The mineral also helps to encourage proper muscle function and blood clotting. 

Why Choose BetterYou?

At BetterYou, we specialize in pill-free nutritional supplementation, such as energy supplements for that needed boost.
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