Vitamin B12 Tablets vs Sprays: What’s the Difference?

Vitamin B12 tablets and sprays provide vital nutrients in different ways. B12 is needed for your immune system, nervous system, and energy levels. In this guide, we’re comparing the effectiveness of both methods of supplementation to help increase your vitamin levels. 

Table of Contents

Vitamin B12 Oral Sprays vs Tablets

Vitamin B12 supplements are designed to help support your intake, alongside a healthy diet, to avoid deficiency. Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient needed for many processes within the body, from immune system support to the creation of red blood cells for essential oxygen transportation. 

Oral Sprays

Oral spray supplements are, as the name suggests, a liquid supplement which you spray into your mouth. B12 sprays are formulated for easy and effective supplementation.

Vitamin B12 oral sprays may be used for treating vitamin B12 deficiency, as a fast and effective method of supplementation can help to raise nutrient levels.


Vitamin B12 tablets are also an oral supplement, but they are swallowed and broken down by your stomach. The nutrients within these supplements are absorbed primarily through the small intestine. Medications, gastrointestinal issues, and pathogens can all have an impact on how effectively your body can absorb B12 from these tablets. Thus, they may be unreliable when it comes to avoiding vitamin B12 deficiency

Effectiveness of B12 Oral Sprays

Vitamin B12 oral sprays work to deliver nutrients without the need for absorption via the intestines. The pill-free supplements are sprayed directly into the mouth, to permeate the highly vascular tissue of the mucous membrane lining. The oral spray technology delivers nutrients into the bloodstream, instead of passing through the gut. 

Gut Variations

This may be more effective when comparing B12 tablets vs sprays, because the environment of the gut differs from person to person. Some may have too much stomach acid which may destroy some supplements before they can be absorbed, and others may have too little acid, which will not allow for good absorption of certain vitamins. 

Intrinsic Factor

B12 tablets are notoriously difficult to absorb because they need a sufficient presence of a protein known as intrinsic factor. However, because of the processed foods in our modern diets, experts believe the levels of intrinsic factor have been decreasing. Thus making traditional oral tablet supplementation via the digestive system unreliable.

No Need to Take Tablets

Not only that, people who have difficulties swallowing pills or capsules can opt for vitamin B12 spray for an easy, and painless way to support your health.

Vitamin B12 Supplements from BetterYou

BetterYou’s vitamin B12 supplements are designed to provide optimal uptake when comparing B12 tablets to sprays. Our B12 formulas are all oral sprays, designed to deliver the vitamin directly to the bloodstream, without the hassle of taking a tablet. 

  • The Boost Vitamin B12 Oral Spray delivers 1,200μg of vitamin B12 in 4 quick sprays. This convenient alternative to tablets or capsules provides fast nutrient uptake, as it bypasses the gastrointestinal system. This B12 spray has been designed to help raise the nutrient levels of those with B12 deficiency.
  • The B-Complete Oral Spray is also a source of vitamin B12. Delivering 100μg of B12, as well as 7 other B vitamins. With a daily dose of 4 sprays, this is an expert blend to support your body’s natural metabolism. 

How Much Vitamin B12 Should You Take?

No matter whether you choose to use a vitamin B12 tablet or spray, you need to ensure you are obtaining the recommended intake: 

According to the NHS, the recommended daily dosage of vitamin B12 is:

  • 1.5μg (micrograms) per day for adults aged 19 - 64.

When supplementing, you should pay attention to nutrient reference value guidelines, and stay within the safe upper limit. This is the maximum amount to ensure you do not exceed what is healthy. B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body absorbs what you need, and any excess passes through your urine.

Check with your doctor before supplementing or if you are worried about your B12 levels.

How to Test for Low Levels

It is important to test for B12 deficiency to identify if your B12 tablets or sprays are supporting your levels effectively. If they are not, you may develop the signs of low B12 levels

Testing is straight-forward with at-home health test kits - you can identify if your diet is providing enough food sources of B12, or whether you need to consider B12 sprays or tablets. 

Hassle-Free Supplementation with BetterYou

We pioneered oral spray and topical magnesium supplementation to support our modern diets and busy lifestyles. Whether you need sleep supplements or children’s vitamins, BetterYou can encourage a healthy lifestyle today.

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