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Vitamin D - The sunshine vitamin

Intra-oral Spray Technology

Vitamin D is one many fat-soluble vitamins that the body requires to function correctly. We make this essential vitamin from the skin's unprotected exposure to sunlight, but it can also be found in certain foods such as eggs, cereal and fatty fish.

Despite being vital for healthy bones and a robust immune system, our more sedentary lifestyles have meant that exposure to the sun has dropped dramatically and our processed and specialist diets has meant that supplementation is needed to maintain a healthy level of vitamin D.

What does vitamin D do?

Vitamin D is responsible for a number of functions within the body. It helps regulate calcium, ensuring it enters the bone to maintain healthy bones and teeth. It supports a healthy immune system, protecting the body from illnesses such as the common cold and plays a fundamental role in ensuring normal muscle function.

It comes in two major forms, D2 and D3. While both forms can be processed by the body, vitamin D3 occurs naturally within humans and is generally considered the preferred form of supplementation.

Sources of vitamin D

It is naturally found in a number of animal products as well as some fortified foods. Including:

  • Oily fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products (milk, cheese)
  • Beef liver
  • Fortified foods (cereal, breads, juices)

Vitamin D deficiency: A widespread issue

Vitamin D deficiency remains a worldwide issue with around 1 billion people across the globe experiencing inadequate levels.

Signs of vitamin D deficiency can manifest in common health conditions such as frequent coughs and colds, tiredness and fatigue, low mood, achy muscles and poor bone and tooth health. So, it’s easy to see why we all need it.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms regularly, it could be a sign that you’re lacking in vitamin D.

Factors affecting vitamin D absorption

  • Sun exposure
  • Skin pigmentation
  • Sun creams over 15 SPF
  • Diet
  • Weight
  • Age
  • Location
  • Season

The sunshine problem

We get the majority of this vital vitamin from exposure of our skin to sunlight. The sun’s ultraviolet B rays (UVB) are absorbed by cholesterol in the skin and is then synthesized into vitamin D.

However, in the northern regions of the northern hemisphere, UVB rays are only strong enough during the winter for vitamin D production, meaning for large parts of the year, vitamin D production from the sun is impossible.

Couple this with UVB rays being blocked by sun creams and our ever increasing indoor existence. You can see why this is becoming an increasing issue!

Groups at higher risk of deficiency

Although everyone should consider a vitamin D supplement during the winter months, it is advised that the following ‘at risk groups’ take a vitamin D supplement all year round.

Breastfed infants

Older people aged 65 years and over

People who are obese or have undergone gastric bypass surgery

People who have low or no exposure to the sun

People who have darker skin

Symptoms of deficiency

Signs of vitamin D deficiency can manifest in common health conditions such as frequent coughs and colds, low mood and tiredness and fatigue.

How much vitamin D do you need?

Find out more about minimum and maximum Vitamin D dosages

Scientifically proven absorption

The BetterYou range of Vitamin D Oral Sprays have been specially formulated to deliver vitamin D directly into the mouth. The mouth is an excellent receptor for nutritional supplementation because of its soft, absorbent tissue and the proximity of a rich vein system below.

With a variety of dosage strengths suitable for the whole family, the award-winning range of Vitamin D Oral Sprays are a pioneering and convenient solution to traditional vitamin D supplementation.

The original vitamin D oral spray range

Effective and convenient vitamin D delivery

Strengths available for the entire family

Absorption tested by Cardiff University, since 2007

Multi-award winning

100% natural flavoring

Boost your levels quickly and effectively

The UK's original vitamin D oral spray range

Effective and convenient vitamin D delivery

Strengths available for the entire family

Absorption tested by Cardiff University, since 2007

Multi-award winning

100% natural flavouring

Boost your levels from 6p a day

Our range of Vitamin D Oral Sprays
