Four essential supplements for joint health and flexibility

Our joints endure a lifetime of wear and tear, with daily exercise routines and restrictive diets taking a serious toll on our flexibility. But, a bad back or a stiff knee could be an indicator your body is suffering from a hidden nutritional deficiency.

The effects can range from irritating to debilitating, but whatever the cause of the pain, these four ingredients have proven to be essential in protecting your joints:


Glucosamine is naturally found within the joints of the body but rarely found within our diets. We need it to help build and repair cartilage which helps to aid joint lubrication, strength and flexibility.

However, as we age our cartilage steadily breaks down. Ideally, glucosamine should be available to keep cartilage healthy, but if our glucosamine levels are too low our joints can deteriorate causing pain, limited movement and bone deformation.

Many people suffering from osteoporosis are recommended to supplement glucosamine to combat its painful side effects.


More than just a minty scented oil, Wintergreen has some amazing benefits.

When massaged into the skin, this oil is readily absorbed to help warm the affected area and induce relaxation.

It is used on the skin as a ‘counter-irritant’ to relieve muscle and joint discomfort. Counter-irritants work by causing irritation that helps to reduce discomfort and swelling in the underlying tissue, often used as a solution for achy joints (rheumatism) and sore muscles.


This herbal oil has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments due to its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties.

Known as a natural and effective pain reliever, it instantly brings a cool, soothing relief to inflamed joints by increasing blood circulation.

Studies have shown that using this oil has helped patients reduce pain and increase the flexibility of their joints, and has been known to help people with arthritis.


Magnesium is responsible for over 300 chemical reactions in the body every day and has been proven that it is vital for joint health.

It is one of nature’s finest relaxants, it helps relieve muscle tension, stiffness and cramping which assists in reducing unnecessary stress on joints.

By encouraging the body to absorb calcium, it prevents calcification in muscles and soft tissue, helping the body maintain flexibility and movement.

Put the joy back into your joints

Formulated for direct joint and muscle application, our MagneisumOil Joint Spray combines these four essential ingredients in a single, handy spray, which has been proven to absorb up to 5 times faster than traditional tablet supplements.

Magnesium Joint Body Spray
BetterYou Magnesium Joint Body Spray is formulated to help you stay supple and flexible. A magnesium...


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